Sep 15, 2010 21:54

Characters: Minwu.
Progress: Complete.
Summary: Adamantoise hunt.
Location: Outskirts of Daguerro.
Date: Sept. 12
Warnings: Probably the longest fight ever. Low-attack power white mage with spells that can inflict every status affliction ever versus heavily armored tortoise. You do the math.
Oh wait.
I-is that divide by zeroHoly?


The Adamantoise made a guttural sound which echoed across the surrounding landscape, obviously annoyed beyond all imagination at the impossibly hard to squish white mage which had reduced it to a slowed, paralyzed, silenced, confused amnesiac which was having problems merely putting one foot in front of the other, let alone attacking. Minwu was not in the best condition either. While most of the monster's fell attacks rained upon itself - taking some hits was unavoidable. All he could do was dodge attacks with his magics, blink, aura, protect, haste and wall had made most nothing but scratches - but the length of the battle and his inability to cast anything other than status afflictions upon the thing had left him a little worse for wear. Nothing that his wider range of restorative magic couldn't fix, but he was conscious of leaving himself enough spiritual energy to finish the job. Pacing himself was key - and outlasting the monster was essential. Otherwise it'd get lucky, and it'd kill him. He couldn't count on it only hurting itself in it's sorry state.

The battle had gone on ten hours. Possibly eleven or twelve; but the mage knew (with the foresight of one that was used to this sort of thing...) that the end was near. The monster's breaths were drawing ragged - it's strength was failing it. Yet it was annoyed. Very annoyed. The sheer amount of time it had spent attacking him had added fuel to the fire; it wanted him dead and it wanted him dead now. Throwing all of its last reserves of energy into an attack intended to snap the mage within its jaws, it managed to do so. But the mage in it's mouth blinked once, and disappeared just as quickly. It howled. Behind the anger of all this time and losing it's prey yet again, there was a hidden agony with all Minwu had done to it. It was almost as if the Adamantoise had gave up, and just wanted to die.


Blink, indeed. One of Minwu's shadow images took the damage for him and disappeared into nothingness, and the real white mage moved from behind a tree to face the shivering wreck of a creature. Monsters were monsters. Foolish to the end - but this hunt had turned cruel. There was no sport in merely tormenting a creature. It was time to end it.

He moved his hands just shy of his face, lowering his eyes as if he were about to pray - and a bolt of white light came from the sky. Namely Holy XVI. magnificent in
size and power, the creature raised it's head to the sky - howl sounding distinctly more like a scream as the beam of light burned it to a crisp before exploding in multiple areas of it's body - tearing scales from flesh, flesh from bones, exploding, exploding, and exploding - and scorching what was left until the only thing that remained was a gleaming and enormous tortoise shell, the divine light disappearing just as quickly back toward the heavens.

Very dead.

It is within Man's nature to sin, yet you answer sin with violence upon violence. Is that not sin in itself?
Lowering his eyes, Minwu lowered himself to the floor, and merely closed them for a small moment. His hand shook lightly as it gripped the staff of light, and he just took a moment to reflect.

Each time he killed anything...
Be it a person, a monster..
Anything... He would be there, with that same question.

He would never be able to answer it.


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