[Thread, Reunion: OPEN]

Sep 13, 2010 20:58

Characters: Tifa, family and friends, OPEN
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Tifa returns home to Luca. Let's have a reunion party thread! Start your own subthreads, threadjacking encouraged. Also this is open to anyone in Luca who might want to visit the Lockhart-Strife household. Just pretend that Tifa called up and invited you.
Location: Cloud and Tifa's house, Luca
Date: September 13th, 1804
Warnings: Mush?

To say that Tifa couldn't wait to see her family again was an understatement. It was hard to miss anyone when you were dead and unaware of time passing, but she was painfully aware of how difficult it must have been for them over the past few days.

So it wasn't just simple joy she felt when she walked through the familiar door of their house in Luca to greet her family again. The prospect of seeing Barret again filled her with hope. But there was also Marlene, and the recent revelation that Ultimecia had left behind an unwelcome legacy. How much did Marlene know? What were they going to do about it? All worries that had raced around Tifa's mind ever since she had heard the news from Ellone, and that weighed her down even as she put on a bright smile and stepped into the living room.

"Cloud! Everyone! I'm home."

tifa lockhart, marlene wallace, shelke rui, cloud strife, denzel

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