[ THREAD // Semi-Open ]

Sep 16, 2010 00:11

Characters: Faris and Tidus. Open to Yuna, and anyone else who might be around their place in Luca.
Progress: On-going
Summary: Faris arrives in Luca and pays her old pal a visit.
Location: ON A BOAT Luca
Date: September 12

Faris didn't waste any time. Upon hearing word of a 'Pirate Problem' in the port city of Warjilis, the captain had caught a ride over there -- even found a few familiar faces. With hardly any effort, and a little adventure to boot, she'd collected a few good men, commandeered a ship, and the lot of them had set off for Luca. Sailing never did go nearly as quickly as traveling by airship, so it was a good few days before they finally pulled into port at the island city of Luca.

"Now don't you mangy dogs be leavin' without me," said Faris, with a stern tone and a nasty look, and to her delight, they all responded with a good, strong 'Aye Aye, cap'n!' Satisfied, Faris tucked hands into pockets, and set off toward a more familiar part of town.

It had been quite some time since she'd last roamed the streets of Luca, though she'd swear on the Crystals that she had to have been there not too long ago, 'cause the gap between her last visit to Luca and this one was far to empty to be too long.

Not one to linger on worry, eventually the pirate found herself nearing the familiar home of her old buddy. Smiling that wicked grin that seemed so natural on that sun-tanned face, she peered in the window, and then tried the door. Never was one for knocking.

faris scherwiz

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