The Four Mirrors - Wind

Aug 01, 2010 08:33

Characters: Steiner, Sephiroth, Kain
Progress: Ongoing
Summary: Defeating the Wind Guardian, Tiamat, and placing the Wind Mirror.
Location: Wind Shrine
Date: August 1, 1804
Warnings: Violence
Notes: Particulars for the event may be found here.

Only by air could anyone reach this remote area of the Forgotten Continent. Mile high cliffs surrounded the grounds below, extending to the edge of the continent, whose cliffs were too great a drop to the ocean below to sail. Only by air, and yet so difficult to reach. As the airship tried to push forward, just that little bit closer to the known location of the Wind Shrine, powerful gusts pushed it back, threatening to send it crashing into the sea.

"We can't get any closer! It's suicide to try!" the pilot barked out.

"Land it now. It's good enough," the leader among the Lindblum Knights retorted. He had a responsibility to see these men safely delivered and then returned.

Without further argument, the pilot acquiesced to the demand to park the airship. While there was a threat that the shrine's eternal tornado-force winds could shove it off the continent, he complied. However, the moment the team was delivered to the enclosed valley, he took to the air once more, a safe distance away.

At the far end of the valley, there stood a cave opening between two tree roots. Roots as wide as the height of a man. From that single opening, the source of all wind rushed forth, to push away anyone that would violate the sanctum.

kain highwind, sephiroth, adelbert steiner

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