I am now fresh meat.

Aug 18, 2008 22:33

As much as it pains me to say this, today was my first day of high school.

And funnily enough I don't have to go tomorrow because of good ol' tropical storm Fay. XD More vacation time for me!

The first day's always boring though. You basically go over all your different classes rules and such. I think my biggest accomplishment was trying miserably to remember any Spanish at all. We had to put down our likes and dislikes, and I put down 'cats' for both because I couldn't remember anything else at the moment. XD

Oh and book review time! :D I recently finished 'The Haunting of Hill House' by Shirley Jackson. It's an older book (published in the 1960's) but it didn't reek of the times or anything. It's about this House that's believed to be haunted to this professor dude rounds up people that have h supernatural experiences. One of them is a girl named Eleanor, who's already knd of cracked in the first place, and how she becomes so attached to the house that she pretty much loses it. Or it's the hose possesing her. You can decide for yourself. :D I really enjoyed it. I'll find more of her books later. There's also two movies, one made in the sixties and one in he nineties. Skip the second one. It's not even remotely close to being in the same ballpark as the book.


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