RLN's Movie Game.

Aug 13, 2008 00:20

I hope you're ready to play. :D All you have to do is look at the movie quote and guess the movie in your comment.

1. "Give yourself over to absolute pleasure. Swim the warm waters of sins of the flesh - erotic nightmares beyond any measure, and sensual daydreams to treasure forever. Can't you just see it? Don't dream it, be it. "

2."Your son's awake."
"Before sunrise, he's *your* son."

3. "It was bad, Mama. They laughed at me."

4."Get out of my face. "
" I'll get inside your face. " -Blades of Glory

5."No one could resist me, not even you, Louis. "
"I tried. "
"And the more you tried, the more I wanted you." -Interview with the Vampire

6."God have mercy on her / God have mercy on me / But she will be mine or she... will... BURN! "

7."Just tell them that their wildest dreams will come true if they vote for you. " -Napoleon Dynamite

8."Lefou, I'm afraid I've been thinking... "
"A dangerous pastime."
"I know." -Beauty and the Beast

9."If you build it, nerds will come."

10." You're still wearing that hat? After all the magic I used to make your dress look pretty?"

11."Stop blowing holes in my ship! " -Pirates of the Caribbean

12."Kindness we receive in our lives is not always enough. "

13."My whole life is a dark room. One big dark room."

14."Sometimes I get so lonely I forget what day it is, and how to spell my name. "

15."I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way. " -Who framed Roger Rabbit?

16."Sweetheart, you can't buy the necessities of life with cookies. "

17."A bit. But all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared. I suspect the Nargles are behind it. " -Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

18."Where is fancy bred, in the heart or in the head? "

19."I cannot for the life of me understand why small children take so long to grow up. I think they do it deliberately, just to annoy me.""

20."What's my name? Say my name, bitch! "


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