Tonight I will dream
Far below the fading light
My dream is for you
My arms were made to hold you tight
I'm studying medieval political geography these days. Political geography. That's two words that make me involuntarily shudder all on their own, by all rights I should detest them combined, but I don't. I think it's really interesting. All this about Vandals and Visigoths and Merovingians is so new and shiny to me. Until yesterday I was even shady on the whole Britons versus Anglosaxons stuff, they never taught me those things at school before.
It helps having a pretty good book on it, too: Bennett & Hollister's 'Medieval Europe: A Short History'. It's the first history book I'll ever read with a sarcastic sense of humour.
Also: Charlemagne and Einhard = True Love. Or at least Einhard had the biggest crush on Charlemagne. I bet the flipsides of his manuscripts are covered with his scribbles of "Mrs. Einhard Charlemagne" over and over again.
I regret nothing.