Don't mind me, I'm being childish again

Jan 27, 2009 20:41

She smiled that same old smile
My heart was runnin' wild
My love for her increases
As I go all to pieces

I was glancing through my blog's archives, and chanced upon an entry from the autumn of 2004 that begun; "This might be my most embarassing secret, but I think that 'I saw Linda yesterday' rocks!"

Apparantly it was a song, though I had no recollection of it. I went to YouTube to give it a listen and YES. It all came right back to me, lyics and all. How on earth have I lived without this wonderful song for five years?

Oh, and I listened to The Musgrave Ritual today. Okay, okay: So it begins a cold winter evening in Baker Street, and Holmes calls Watson over to help him shift a heavy box of papers...

The box snags on a carpet and both Holmes and Watson tumble to the floor. After a whole lot of giggling Holmes delivers the most painful pun imaginable (and promptly apologizes to Watson, which other awesome twosome does that remind us of?) before he wonders aloud, "It wouldn't do for Mrs. Hudson to come in just now, eh? Lying on the floor like two naughty schoolboys."

They discuss a bit back and forth how potentially pleased she would be to find her two gentlemen lodgers sprawled on the floor, before we're subjected to a number of sighs and grunts from our two heroes along with a lot of rustling from fabric on fabric. Watson points out, "I must say, this carpet is really rather comfortable." - "Mm," agrees Holmes. "And kind to the knees." - "Oh really Holmes," chuckles Watson. "You really are quite impossible at times."

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I can't stop sniggering. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, and so I've got the humour of a ten year old boy today. I would also like to add that I'm not actually a H/W slasher, but I'm starting to believe that the brilliant Bert Coules, the one who adapted the stories for radio, is.

Quoth Watson in the adaption of The Red-Headed League, which I also gave a listen to today: "Mary, bless her, had rightly guessed where I had been, and with whom. Yet she did no more than accuse me of marrying her under the false pretence that, while all the world believed she held my heart, in reality it belonged to Holmes."
Oh, Watson.

Joking aside, I'm frenetically trying to decide what I'll base my term paper on. Right now I'm veering between studying The Canterbury Tales (since I've always wanted to read it), or something on stories of martyrdom, the gorier the better. Probably based on Bede's Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum: At the moment I think Britain's proto-saint (now with more eyeballpopping!) is more exciting than Norway's.

religion and mythology, books/audios/tv/movies: sherlock holmes, school, rambling: audios, geekery

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