
Apr 18, 2015 21:22

I am grateful for time with my mother, because I know she won't always be there and I know that so many people don't have the closeness I am blessed with. I like our easy conversations and the unconditional love I get. No judgements. We work well together. Today we cut and peiced all the squares for my cousin Haley's baby quilt. It was fast and seemless cooperation.

My 89-year-old maternal grandmother asked for her last rights today. She will likely not be long for this world. It is sad. I made my peice with Gram a while ago. She has dementia, so she hasn't been herself in quite some time. We were never close and I don't think she likes me much, but she doesn't like my mom either, so I'm not offended. No accounting for taste. Reguardless of my mother having a strained relationship with her mother, it can't be easy to loose a parent. Lord knows I wouldn't want to loose any of mine. Don't know what I'm gonna do when that time comes, I just hope it doesn't come for many many years.

So, yeah, I'm super grateful for my mom!

gram, mom, grattitude

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