Wow the Massive journal delete is a hugh fucking deal

Jun 02, 2007 21:22

Ok for people who don't know (cause certainly I didn't)  WFI otherwise known as warriors for innocence (found at though I wouldn't go because they drop a lot of spyware onto your comp just by visiting the site)  has been complaining about livejournal.   There complaint is related to the petophila that can be found on the server.  LJ has explained that freedom of speech allows people to write whatever they want (this includes but is not limited to admissions of guilt of any kind of crime, decriptive stories of any nature, thoughts, muses, philosophy, socilogical effects, news articles) as long as users don't write up a step by step manual on how to perform ANY CRIME or incite others to commit a crime Livejournal CAN NOT censor other's works.

Not a problem at all, however on May 18th they wrote an email to six apart (owner of lj) that said "you have pedos on your site, I told people advertising about it and they pulled their ads.  You do what we say when we want or we'll keep messing with your funding".  Six Apart freaked out because they didn't want a new article while they are trying to get in with PDO and make millions. They had been planning to clean up the site for a while so that it would be shiny for stock investors, however the prospect of negative press related to the site concerned them and they deleted over 500 accounts.  They chose accounts that were on the list of WFI.  They added 100 other journals to the list and they left out 150 I think (check the wfi site for more info on specific numbers).

For more detail on the whole incident I highly recomend reading:  It is VERY in depth and step by step.  Wonderful writing on that one.

There are also new articles posted web wide about this.  One is on slashdotnet, though I don't have the link.  There is a cnet article too the link is htt NOTE**  At this time it is believed that all wrongfully deleted journals have been restore.  wrongfultos is currently confirming this position, but it might be good to have it friended incase the status changes.

Now I know, what's the problem with deleting a bunch of pedos?  If only it was just the pedos.  Livejournal deleted rape survivors communities, communities that were discussing rape, pedo, and domestic abuse in a serious nature and talking about social reforms to be made.  They deleted hundreds of fandoms dedicated to lolita (a kind of fasion associated with those childish frilly dresses and also apparently a book).  They demolished fandoms dedicated to erocdica that was in no way related to pedo or other off color sex desires.  They delete Harry Potter fanfiction and fan groups.  They deleted numberous fanfictions and fan dedicated sites.  The deleted any journal who had something as innocence as "Death Note" (an anime series name) in their tagged interests.

One community dedicated to the return of survivor journals and communities along with other wrongfully deleted journals is here:

Not to mention that deleting pedo stories or any story NO MATTER HOW DISTASTEFUL is a violation of the right to free speech, something that Livejournal claimed to maintain until now.  It is hard to get worked up about pedo's losing their rights to free speech, I mean what they write is gross and wrong on so many levels.  However, I have to look at a couple of things.  The most important thing here is the MASSIVE amount of unjust banning.  Another thing to remember is the larger pictures.  Sure pedophila is wrong but we can't censor people's rights to write abotu it fictionally, confessionally, provocatively, socially or any other way.  IF we allow them to stop conversation on this topic what will we choose to censor next?  How long before livejournal isn't really a place for free speech of free writings?  How much does six apart feel obligated to censor to be politically correct?

If this topic concerns you as it concerns me and many other users may I suggest joining the Jihad against "innocence" the link is here:  Sorry for all the shitty linking, I've never needed it so much before so I never learned how.  Be ready for a lot of it though.  Man hours and hours to write this post after all the reading and linking I've done.

If you agree or are concerned about these issues involving livejournal, as I am there are many appropriate forums to voice complaints publicly and I'm asking everyone who reads this to alert others of the issue with a post or a link and to express their displeasure with the route livejournal is taking towards censorship.  Yes, supposedly the accidentally deleted journals have been restored, but we need to make sure how unhappy we were with the past events we were so that Six Apart will think twice before repeating past mistakes.

Contacting Warriors for Innocence:
It looks like e-mail is the only thing effective, but I will go ahead and give out the e-mail address. PLEASE do take caution if you DO go onto their site, apparently there are malicious spyware and adware on their site. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE be careful -- don't cuss these people out or leave a nasty message. Tell them how their approach is only going to backfire.

Contacting LJ and Sixapart:
liz_marcs has pointed out numerous Lj users have started posting comments, complaints, and various demands of a statement on recent actions. Basically, I'll be doing that and pretty much ANY news update from the time being. FLOOD them, guys. Absolutely FLOOD THEM.

OR! You can call SixApart. I know, I know. Annoying.

Contacting Perverted Justice:
It's been pretty much confirmed they are apart of this, which is just SAD. These people contribute to exposing predators on Dateline, but yes, they've had their part in this, too. Please be mindful as to not be flaming them when contacting them.

DISCLAIMER: I copied and pasted this contact list from _sirius_denial  the original post is:   If my attempt at linking doesn't hold through you should go there any use his or her links directly.

Roaring also has a lot of thoughts about different actions we as users can take to protect six apart's decision to censor works and randomly delete stuff without warning or care.  They forget that fandom and communities are responsible for a large chunk of their profits (Through upgraded journals).  They have also forgotten that we can also get a list of their advertisers and stop buying their products in protest to lj (round about I know but its on the table as an option at this point). A link to Roaring entry is:

I'm also concerned because some of my communities that I'm part of were temporarily deleted before livejournal reinstated them.  Their tag lines of interest included "child abuse" and when a news article involving the abuse of children came up we would discuss our thoughts on it.  The communities were of course about more than just that.  One is a feminist group, another is a support group for people who feel that they have been wronged by religious zealots of any religion.  Another that was warned was dark christianity and certainly we talk about all sort of political choices and we talk about the wrongful treatment of some rape victumns at the hand of people who are supposed to help them.  This is in no way related to petophelia, what was lj so damn concerned about?

Something else that concerns me is the person that runs WFI (warriors for innocence) is a confederate neo nazi.  She is part of a highly organized military like Christian dominionst movement that seems to have some success in getting what they want. 
I didn't do the research on this one, but it is all compiled:  The sources are linked.

I've spent the last couple of hours reading the WFI site and reading different critics thoughts on the matter.   Unhappy as I am?  Go to the official appology and bitch there too.  Here it is:

Gah so much more to read on it and som many more things to do to take action.  I'm thinking that from now on I'll be putting something lj would want censored (not kiddy porn but something sexual explict) in all of my posts because damn it, six apart is NOT cool.

I don't know though its really late and I'll be up early tommorrow.  I might not be thinking clearly.  I'll read more tommorrow and think more about my plan of action and then I'll report it.  Good night y'all and peace out. 
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