The bad and the really good!

Oct 21, 2008 11:30

So crap first, my car is in the shop for the 4th time with transmition issues! After he takes care of it this time, I'm selling the thing and finding somthing else!!! And this time the car broke down while the kids where with me... not okay!! And no, I'm not paying for these repairs. I paid him for the new transmition right after I got the car, it's still under warranty!
Now, the really good news!!! I found a new place to rent!!! I can't wait for the next 30 days to go by so I can start working somewhere decent! I'm so sick of so many things at my current location it's crazy! Trying to get her to lower my rent was nuts! The woman has no clue and does not know what she's doing at all. I will be one town over (Blue Mounds) at the Joyful Path Healing Center. CAN'T WAIT!! Giving my 30 day notice today! WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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