Car and dream

Oct 26, 2008 15:26

So I sold my car Thursday and dropped it off to the guy yesterday. So now I'm looking for a new one and having a hell of a time doing so. I'm soooo sick of looking at Craigslist right now! I've had to take breaks here and there to look at pics of John Taylor and Orlando Bloom to break things up! LOL I know I'll find something, but sooner would be better than later.
I had a dream last night about the guy I may or may not have a conection with.. we'll call him Joe for this posting (no, not his real name!) I was at a food tasteing, really good quality food. After it was over I was visting with some people in a sitting area. My mom is there and some people I don't know. I'm sitting on a couch and some woman sits down by me. She desides that she and I are an item, dateing... whatever. I'm trying to deal with this when the people on the couch next to us start picking on Joe. They are trying to tickle his feet and he doesn't like it. My mom speaks up and tells everyone that I didn't like to have my feet tickled either and that she understood and it was rude to keep doing it. I got up for some reason (under the protest of the women that was sitting by me) and started to leave the room. I started talking to Joe on the way and he stopped me, grabed my arm gently and patted his lap signaling for me to have seat. I told him I was worried that I might hurt him if I did so (I was my actual weight in the dream, so that was refreshing!!). Joe didn't seemed worried one bit, I sat on his lap and we just talked for hours.
Whenever I have dreams that Joe and I talk, it ALWAYS seems so real. And sometimes like it's happened before. Odd... but I've learned that most of life is, and not to question it too much!!!
Hope everyone is well!!!
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