eep! and brain dump

Oct 10, 2011 10:04

Four days to the EDD, and the little Spawn hasn't even engaged yet. Last night it felt like the little bugger had put a fist into each hip to hold itself *out*!

I have had people (read, random strangers) tell me that I don't look very big for being about to pop. I guess that's because I'm not carrying much weight anywhere except the bump. It makes everything look small, even though I feel like a complete whale and it takes me three goes to get up off the sofa. Despite this, I'm trying to keep active and get jobs done around the house. Even ones that don't really need doing. It's not really the nesting instinct - more like the fact that I know it needs to be done, and I also know I'm not likely to get much time afterwards :-P

The To Do list keeps getting longer, though. For every job I strike off, I seem to think of two or three other related tasks. Now, although they don't seem to take too long, they're all using up energy. I seem to be working on "tired" most of the time, and an afternoon nap doesn't really to help. Getting up in the night because it's shoved a shoulder into my bladder doesn't exactly make me the most fun person to be around in the mornings either.

I'm not only trying to prep the house, I'm trying to prep the food as well. For example, we have spiced cakes in the freezer, and I made three meals worth of bolognase last night, so we have a couple of dinners ready in the freezer too. Hopefully this will help us out a little and stop us eating too much junk food and takeaways (we've been rather bad for this over the past few weeks), even though it's so much easier. So getting rid of the hassle around homecooked food will make us both feel better. And expanding my pie knowledge is excellent too, and dead simple.

I'm trying to up the easy baking as well because it is fun and yummy and makes the house smell lovely. I have nothing but praise for the Sainsburys cake mixes (just add some water and a couple of eggs and you get a gorgeous spiced apple cake, or a couple of splashes of milk and gain a bunch of scones into which you can throw dried fruit, or chocolate chips, or cheese if you fancy savoury), and I also have shinyjenni's receipe for fridge cake which I shall soon be trying out. Though I may swap the glace cherries for cranberries, as I have a bag of those that need using up...

What else...

Larping is on hold for me this month, for obvious reasons, but I'll be back in November! I've got my spotlight episode in Firefly, but I'll probably monster TK. Get a bit of combat practice in before the new character arrives at some point in the next year :-P Yes, knee-jerk reaction to having to wear the Evil Sash of Non-Combat and having the (particularly male) refs think that I'll miscarry if a monster even *breaths* on me which frustrated me beyond imagination at the last Event :-P. Yes, I can understand the fears, but don't you *dare* tell me what I can and can't do - I'll tell you!!

In the knitting and sewing department, I have finished all the squares for the baby blanket, I just need to sew them together and that's on the list. I may or may not make it to Stitch'n''Witch tomorrow night. I would like to, but I'm having to play it totally to the Spawns timetable, as is only responsible. I do have the sewing on the To Do List, so I may have a go at that this afternoon. And with the Monday Night Nerds taking a break and Andrew deciding that giving an old army of his a painting face-lift, I should be able to get them sorted fairly quickly. It's not like sewing straight edges together takes very long...right?

OK, time to get a move on with the List. There's still some babyprep to do, like cleaning the changing table and mat because I don't want to have to do that with a whingey damp/dirty baby in my arms before I can use it for the first time!

larping, baking, spawn

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