Sep 08, 2011 10:42

Five weeks to go and the Spawn has found the sciatic nerve and decided that lying against it is the Most Fun Ever. The hot water bottle against my back is currently working to alleviate the pain a little, thank god.  It hits me like a sledgehammer at the most inopportune moments, making my entire left side collapse.  Usually as I'm turning a corner...

On Tuesday our pet builders came round and spent the evening widening our loft hatch and installing an access ladder, so I fed them large amounts of food to keep them fuelled up.  Next week Beloved and I can clear the soon-to-be nursery and start the decoration. And then go shopping for stuff :-)

Last night was a slightly delayed Stitch'n'Witch and amicugave me a couple of pairs of baby socks that she'd knitted. They're so cute and little, they made me squee a bit :-)

This weekend is the second TK event of the year, and I am very much looking forward to it. I probably won't be able to do quite as much roleplay as I would like because of energy levels and wotnot, but I am also taking the camera and charger so that we can actually get some photos of this Event. Photos at the last one didn't happen (the random person taking snaps never posted a link to them which is really annoying).

I've got a bunk lined up - hopefully in a room that will only include the Beloved, because if I have to go in with a snorer I'm sleeping in the car - and that's only going to be a good thing. It's hard enough fighting my way off the sofa, so an airbed is right out!

As I can't really RP as much as I would like, I've done some baking of cakes etc instead to keep everyone fuelled. I'm also feeding us both and IndyJames who we have managed to convince to come monster for the weekend. I need to pop out at some point today and pick up food for this. I'm thinking noodles and rice and soup and stuff. I don't think I'm going to have the morning wherewithall for bacon sandwiches this time, so croissants or pain au chocolat may have to provide the energy required. And the cake, of course...  And I'll take jam. Basically, the less work, the better, and it'll be a sod load less than the £25 each we'd be charged otherwise!

So, jobs for today:
Shop for food
Do more baking
Dig out all the character kit and get it into the little crates ready, fixing any little bits that I need to
Write up my spells in pen in my book
Have a nap and try and get over this snuffle (which I think is because I'm a little run-down)

larp, spawn

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