The picture sums it up

Aug 17, 2011 10:13

First up, the most important thing going on in my life right now, so sorry if you don't want to know/can be bothered/care, but bump is increasing. Sevenish months and counting and it looks like I've swallowed a basketball. Other than the belly, I've not bee suffering which is rather gratifying. No back pain, no side effects. The only problem is that there's no nesting instinct either at the moment! I am getting tireder faster, though, but that's more likely from lugging around the extra (unbalanced) weight. I've put on just over two stone, but most of that will go very quickly - I don't have much trouble with losing weight thanks to my genetics (thanks Mum!)

I have decided that now is the time to stop climbing. Firstly, I don't want to damage my stomach muscles,a dn secondly it's getting quite difficult to hold myself to the wall. Although my technique has got so much better as I have had to work around the bump by twisting into the wall and lifting with my legs rather than bullying my way up on my arms, I also get tired and I don't want to spend mooney to only climb the wall once. However, Beloved is getting really good. The technique may need a bit of practice, but my god the boy's strong!!

Sewing and knitting is becoming more likely to be the way that I'm passing the day, both because it involves sitting comfortably and also because I really want to get *something* done before the new arrival. Painting is dropping off because hunching under daylight lamps gets uncomfortable and my hips ache. Also, I get complained at by the Spawn :-P. I can only manage about 20 minutes to half an hour before I have to get up and move around again.

What else...

Oh yes, we went and saw my new nephew at the beginning of the month. Rather adorable, even if he is still at the "lying still and not really doing anything" stage. He stared up at Beloved as if he was the most facinating thing he'd ever seen before having a bit of a wriggle and getting passed to me. I found holding him quite interesting - again the bump got in the way - so he lay on my legs and stared at me, but I passed him back to my brother when he and the Spawn got into a kick-fight :-P. P looks exhausted and H less so but still tired. I have my own theories, but it's their child and can do what they like with it. Needless to say, I'll not be doing some of the practices they have settled on. Plus, Alex was only 5 weeks old when we saw them.

the_smut_fairy has knitted the most adorable cardigan for the Spawn.  When it is born, it shall be modelled and photos put up.

I suppose I ought to get back to finish off the little bit of painting for the day.  The  I can watch bad daytime TV and get in with my knitting.  Maybe another cup of tea first...


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