Last night in review.
Traffic getting into town - utterly fuxing crap. What the hell was going on last night? The doors opened at 7pm, and we'd aimed to get there just after so there was less queueing in the cold (which, given what I'd decided to wear was a good thing), but we didn't arrive until 7.30, and we were a little worried we'd missed the start of Wolfsbane.
But no, the gig didn't start until 8pm, so we had enough time to grab a drink and find a good spot where we could see the whole stage.
And out came Wolfsbane, to the lovely plinky-plonk of "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf", exactly the same as they were doing 20 years ago :). Blaze Bailey longer the svelte rockgod that he was, but he's lost none of his energy and he gave it his all. The crowd (me included) joined in on a lot of the songs - to which he gave rather amusing little ranty introductions - and "Manhunt" had us all yelling it back at him, which (even though he's no longer playing the massive arenas, and we were a civilised crowd) seemed to please him no end :). And the guitarist....well, he's lost none of his skill at shredding. I mean, that guy was making his guitar do things faster than I've seen anyone else play! I'm going to attempt to embed some 'Tubes now, for your delight and delectation:
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I hope that's worked!
Wolfsbane played for the full hour, which was awesome, and then they went over to the merchandise stand to sign stuff (was quite tempted to get my boobs signed, but Blaze is a big guy and although I'm sure he's really a great big fluffy pussycat, he's still quite intimidating!)
And along came the Quireboys. Now, I had heard some of their stuff by the power of the 'Tubes on the Thursday night, because the only album that Hubby has is on tape, and we don't have a tape-player, so I knew their sound. It's a bit of a mix. How to describe it...
If Captain Jack Sparrow and Rod Stewart had a lovechild in New Orleans, that child would grow up to sound like the lead singer. It's odd, really. They play honky-tonk-rock and the vocalist is from Newcastle! I don't know what their influences are, but it works really, really well. They also came out to a little introductory show tune, but I was in the loo so missed it.
I might add that the singer looked pretty much exactly the same now as he did when they released the album "A Bit of What You Fancy" 20 years ago, this same week. They mentioned that 20 years to almost the same night, they played the Bristol Bierkeller to great success, and they were getting reactions that were just as good last night as well. They played through the entire album pretty much in order, which got Hubby really chuffed because he remembered them all and could sing along!
I can't really think of anything further to say about them. They were awesome, and amazing and lot of other adjectives which all mean the same sort of thing. Including "made of win". The lead singer has the most amazing gravelly voice which, I am not ashamed to say, makes me just want to rip his clothes off and throw him across an amp :P.
And now for further embedding attempts...two this time. Their brilliant "Hey You" and the fabulous "7 o'clock". I recommend following links to further songs. I'd put them all on here, but I don't think my flist would appreciate that!
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