Nowt much been going on in the House of Tigerpixie over the last week. Painting is still taking up a mightily large amount of my time and mt beloved Hubby is still as keen as ever to drive me utterly insane with the amount of stuff I have to get done in time for the Doubles in January. I've started to resort to emotional blackmail to get a little longer on the sofa at dinnertime instead of goig straight back up afterwards. It doesn't work for long, though, because he knows I do it and he hardens his heart and pulls the blanket off me and chases me upstairs.
Last Wednesday (2nd December) I managed to finish the Endurance Wall at the Climbing Academy. First climb of the day (I hadn't even warmed up) and my first attempt at the wall. There are some rather tricksy moves on it, but I just kinda flung myself at them. The last hand move onto the start/finish hold was more a case of slapping my hand against it as I fell past, but that counts, right? My legs were pretty much vibrating with the strain when I got to hold 49/54, but sheer determination and tenacity to point of stupidity kept me going.
On Tuesday night I went to Stitch'n'Witch at
shinyjennis, where we drank tea and ate white chocolate cupcakes and then watched the pilot episode of The Middle Man, which is rather amusing. I can forsee a day coming with us all on the sofa with a blanket and hot drinks and popcorn coming up :). Jenni had also put up some Christmas decorations for our benefit, even though she wasn't going to be home for Christmas, but thought we would appreciate a little festive spirit.
Yesterday I went climbing at Undercover Rock, which is the wall with the top-roping, where
kezieth and I belayed for each other while
gedrel watched to make sure that we were doing it right and weren't going to kill each other by accident. Thankfully the only injury sustained involved my hand getting too close to the stitchplate and trapping some skin as
kezieth dangled four inches above the floor, unable to get her feet under her, while
gedhrel lept for the rope to give me enough slack to extract my hand to my little symphony of "owowowowowowowellengetuppleasestandupowowowow". No harm done, and I've learnt not to do -that- again! Both hands really hurt today from the rope sliding through them, and I can't stretch them out quite as far as usual.
Tonight, Hubby and I are going to see the Quireboys, supported by Wolfsbane, so I need to find an outfit that's modern, suits me -and- is reminiscient of the early 1990s metal scene. I can probably manage it :). And the weekend starts tonight, because Hubby has tomorrow off to catch up/stay on track with the painting so that he can come out to the WFRP Awards on Saturday night (otherwise he would have to stay home). Which reminds me - I've got to get that outfit of mine into the wash...
And on Sunday is Vampire. My turn to host, even though it's only a short half-session. Got lots of set-dressing to organise (nearly there, hundreds of ideas and props!) and it should all get done in time. Got a nice little playlist set up - all songs which mean something to my character or to the clan Gangrel, and some of them quite amusing :). Just got a few more songs to put on, and I should have enough.
Hmmm. 10am. S'pose I'd better get some food and go paint. But it's a beautiful day out there and I want to try getting my bike out of the garage instead...