Jan 08, 2018 14:40
How did I do on my 2017 goals?
1. Get physically stronger.
My work outlook calendar was instrumental in achieving this goal, due to the ability to set aside time on my schedule and setting reminders in order to call and get my name on the class list for TRX. I can say that I consistently hit TRX an average of 3 times a month (so, most Wednesdays when I was in town.) I also was regular-ish at the HIIT class on Fridays over lunch (that's High Intensity Interval Training), though nowhere near as regular as TRX. It didn't happen every where, but it happened often enough for me to call it a win.
And I still do my Yin Yoga 1xweek - here's to long term building habits!
2. Run a 5K a month.
I really liked the idea of this goal - though I didn't come anywhere near to achieving it, either by hitting monthly races nor from lowering my time. I overall fell off the running bandwagon in 2017, something I'm hoping to fix in 2018, primarily by running shorter distances. I also ran some non-5K distances, though none at PR effort.
January - MLK Day 5K - 25:44
February - ATC Fast Break 5K - 25:08
March - No races ran
April - Mimosa 5K - 26:29/Run the River 10K - 50:25
May - Rite Aide Cleveland Marathon! 4:17:56
June - No races ran
July - Peachtree Road Race 10K - 57:44
August - State Fair Parade Run - 2 miles in 16:17/Grant Park 5K whose result I cannot find online, but MJ did with me so there is proof!
September - Mercedes Benz 5K - 32:06 - run with ES on Yom Kippur because we got to finish on the 50 yard line of the new stadium!
October - No races ran
November - Thanksgiving Day Half Marathon - 2:02.17 -
December - No races ran
3. PR, any distance.
I fell a bit off of the running wagon in 2017, but not before I sent a PR on my birthday at the 10-mile distance at the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler in April, with a result of 1:20.08!
4. Get locally active.
In 2017, my anger translated more in financial donations, which is not bad, but also was not the point of how I was thinking through this. I have to say, though, this is a need, and I'm still trying to figure out how to make it meaningfully happen.