So, after about three hours of aggravation, I made a computer virus go away. Wouldn't you know, the first day in months that I use my laptop, on our first day of having our own wi-fi network, this happens. I do feel a little pleased with myself that I correctly identified the problem so quickly, though; it was one of those malware scams that disguises itself as an antivirus program and tells you that you've got all these horrible threats, and then tries to get you to pay to remove them. Little details about the program set off red-flags in my mind, though: no brand name, odd wording on a couple of the threat notices, things like that. So I looked it up on
angelus7988's computer, and sure enough, it was scamware. Took forever to find a way to get rid of it that didn't involve buying a spyware program, though; I eventually found a reference to some shareware that got rid of it (hopefully! *fingers crossed*), and now everything works again. Though it does make me want to track down the scamware programmer and eat him.