Me Against the Workplace

Jun 13, 2007 14:00

Thank God I don't have a Myspace:

People ask me if I have a myspace. I say "no", but they look at me with a "You're kidding" look on their face. I just never knew what to do with a myspace. I could put personal stuff or things I like on it, but who cares? Also, I'm not a very open person so it be the most boring myspace in the world. I even had one person tell me, "Its not hard to use myspace..." Of course not but ,other than keeping in touch with people I knew, what can I do with it? I could network. I could put rainbows on it. What's the point? I was just never a fan.

From reading the article, I realized something. If the HR department looks at a myspace account with the same fevor as a resume, then they must be looking at other places too. Facebook, Friendster, LJ...

Not that I put anything bad on my LJ, but I do post some embarrassing things (look about two posts down.) I can only imagine how this would be brought up in a HR candidate meeting.  "The following candidate has a impressive resume along with an unhealthy obsession with Mega Man X..."

To ram this point home, I googled my screen name. The first thing brought up? This LJ blog.

So, if you are a potential employer and you're reading this, please forgive me for the crazy posts I put on here. There's more to me than just me pining over X or having a wacky dream about math.

workplace blues, mmx

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