Poor Birds: A Post About Me

Jun 15, 2007 20:28

Why do birds keep flying at my window?

Have you seen the Windex commercial where a bunch of birds are laughing at this guy because he bumps into a glass door? The same thing has been happening here except its the reverse. For a whole week, I been hearing "boom" every hour. I look and I see a bird struggling to fly again after being knocked out. I don't think its because my window is clean. If anything, there might be a nest near my window. I've seen some birds hanging out there. This better not be a routine.

I don't understand HR departments sometimes. I received an e-mail from a health care company two days ago basically saying that they were going to look elsewhere for a candidate. That's fine, but I sent this application in a month and thirteen days ago. I'm confused. Whenever a send out a application, within a few days I get a response from companies that are interested in me. If a company doesn't respond within a week, I assume they don't want me. A lot of stuff can happen in a month and thirteen days. All the more reason for me to want to work for an HR department. I want to see the inside process...

I have another interview on Monday for an inside sales position. I have to take a test before I get interviewed: an IQ and Behavioral test.  So on Monday, I'll find out, once and for all, if I'm stupid or not.

Oh, and if you were expecting an X post, maybe by this weekend.

workplace blues

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