Hello Tech School. It's Me.

Apr 19, 2008 19:58

I haven't heard back from the auction house about either my employment status or my writing sample. I tried calling the manager  Wednesday morning asking if she received my writing sample, but she was busy (and rightfully so).  I left a voicemail; still no response. I'm getting worried because I've been down this road before. 90% of the time it's never a good sign. On Monday I'm going to give them a call. I need to know what the hell is going on.

I hate this. It's getting to the point where I don't know what to do anymore. I have an idea where I'm going, but the path taking me there has been full of roadblocks. The big problem I'm facing is competition from much older, more experienced people. Boy, did I enter the job market at the wrong time. Everyone is getting laid off, and they're so little jobs out there for so many people. I'm going to keep trying and stay optimistic. But it's getting harder everyday to keep a smile on my face.

Now that I'm done with my depressing story, an observation:

What is with the sudden influx of anon commenting in LJ communities? Nothing against it. I find it fascinating, that's all.
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