Last Update, I Swear

Apr 28, 2008 22:14

A week has passed, and I still haven't heard from the HR rep concerning the writing position at the auction house. I left a voicemail (yeah, again) today asking if a decision was made. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that I didn't get it. Thinking back to interview two weeks ago, I can't think of any mistakes I made that stood out. The interview itself was pretty informal and short. I did my best and it didn't work out. Maybe there's a legitimate reason why, but I'm not going to dwell on it for too long. I've already moved on to other possible opportunities.

You know what this means? BRB, going to become an X-Ray technician.

LOL, no.

I am, though, flirting with the possibilities of going back to school. I'm researching possible health care careers not because it's recession-proof, but because I like medicine. After all, I was a Biology major in college and before that I had a stint as a nurse aide in high school. It's not something I'm dragged into by force. I like the stuff. I still need to get a job to pay for tuition. So, I need to get a job to pay for the training I need to get a job. Hmm...I could've just by-passed college.

workplace blues

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