Oct 03, 2008 13:32

I've been super easily distracted lately. Especially when trying to do homework. Its not that I'm not interested its just that I think of so many different things while I'm trying to process this new information. I'll be thinking about constructivism and reading about classroom practices and then my mind will think of a conversation or what I want to do after this reading, what i need to accomplish this afternoon which makes achieving the task at hand take twice as long. I've taken to just jotting things down on paper when they pop in and going back to reading. But now I have NO INTEREST to jumping on those other things! (dishes, running, other homework, reading, calling the propane company, calling robs mom, etc.) Is annoying. Sometimes when I'm reading with Rob at night before bed, we'll both be completely into our books and I just NEED distraction- so i talk to him, or grab his hand... just to change gears a little. I think my current attention span is about 4 mins long. Its weird. I just don't think I can work in the afternoons if it takes focus- early morning and later evenings (after dinner).

OK- I'm going to go make myself DO something besides sit on my computer and check my email even though theres nothing new in that account from the 5 mins ago when I last checked it...

Does anyone else have periodic focusing problems?!
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