Happy Dance

Nov 05, 2008 08:49

I've been busy- who hasn't?? but while I find time to read and check up on my friends here I rarely get time to write myself. First, HI to my friends!
Sandy- How are you? I'm glad you've updated recently, I almost called you earlier this week and then I was Oh wait,- she's still living in Paris! We should set up an online chat date :)
Little- I like your insight and posts and I miss you. You coming back to N Country for the holidays? I can meet you btn here and your home!
Cori- Hang in there ;)
Mina- It's SO Strange that I feel like I know your daughter and I've never met her! love the dresses and all the pics :)
Love to the rest of you- the above are thoughts that usually come to mind when I'm driving to school or something and can't post!

Work is great, school is great, singing is great, Rob is great, Erik is great and Potsdam is not too bad either:)

Oh- and FRICKIN AMERICA IS GREAT! I haven't been saying political things here but I'm SO HAPPY that Obama won! ANYTHING IS BETTER than what we have and I think a new perspective is fan-tastic! I was worried a little bit when everyone began talking about his lack of experience however I think that being on the ground in Chicago right out of school working in that challenging situation is enough experience for anyone who needs to heal a hurting country. God keep him safe. God give him guidance. YAY AMERICA- you got it right (from my perspective of course) and I HELPED!

ok- shower time and school. :_
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