Business of Being a Bum

Sep 24, 2008 11:27

Ok, so when I was working and commuting I complained that I had no time to take care of myself, run workout, etc. Now... I have at least 2.5/3 hours every morning that I wake up, check my email, fuck around the house and then go to school. THAT is my designated workout time, however I just CAN NOT find the motivation to work out, now that I have this brilliant gift of TIME! I find that I have a LOT of downtime, ATM. Time I should be reading and doing homework etc. but i just get on here and read, or email, or facebook. I have a lot of downtime actually and I think because I HAVE down time, I'm not effectively and efficiently using my time that I have... because I know I can just get what i want to get done later. UGH. I'm so frustrated with myself. I should be running daily and working out and down to a comfortable size 10 by now and instead I freaking sleep for 2 more hours on top of my 8 hours of sleep i get, because I DO go to bed pretty close to when Rob goes to sleep c. 10/11pm.

I wasn't plannig on working other than Church because, we'll i don't HAVE to yet... but, I'm interviewing for a job that actually came to me. Its PT 10+k/ year which wouldn't hurt... for me to be business manager for ONNY. I said no initially to Kickie because I'm not here to work, I'm here to get my masters and do really well in it... but then someone from admissions contacted me as well and told me to at least contact the president of the company... so i did. I think the person in the position just up and left (went to CPS) and I'm their only lead. So I'm meeting them on Friday. Its supposed to be 20hrs/ week but if i can get the work done in less than that then... kudos- same pay. So... I'm scared about overcommitting myself, but then I will at least have to manage my time better because I'll have less of it to just fuck around online, etc. I always say I operate most efficiently when I'm busy, but then I get TOO busy. But I really think that I might do well in this position... is essentially EXACTLY what I did post-undergrad in NYC except I wont have to book international travel and housing. Awesome!

Lastly, anyone have really good motivational tips? Kelly? Emily? y'all seem to be having some success lately in that area? Anyone have things that work for them that they'd like to share? Also- any input about ONNY would be appreciated because I hate to admit it, but I don't think I ever went to a single concert of theirs and it would help give me some background on them, esp. since I'll essentially be managing the business aspect of them if I get this job... also- hows working with Ken Andrews? I heard he's kinda a dick, however after working with that Bitch on Wallstreet, I think my experience and background gives me enough ground to stand on to command some respect in the position... or at least take it just like i had to at my last job...

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