Field Trip

Jun 28, 2010 12:44

Title:  Field Trip
Pairing:  Evil!Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Word count: 100
Summary:  Sometimes Sam wants quiet time
Disclaimer:  SPN belongs to the CW and Kripke.  I just play for fun.
A/N:  Third drabble in the Acoustics 'verse.  Sequel to  Acoustics   and   Aria   It would be helpful if you read those first.

Sometimes Sam doesn’t want a cacophony.  Sometimes the noise in his head is too much and he wants…..not silence- not with Dean- but for the sounds of his brother’s pain to be quieter, less deafening.

Sometimes Sam creates an atmosphere in the room.  Today it’s images of trees, a clearing, a pond.   Sam closes his eyes and the slap of his skin against Dean’s is waves hitting the shore. The slow drip of Dean’s blood is rocks plunking into water.  Sam’s growls are a hunting cougar, and Dean’s soft cries the prey that Sam takes down in frenzied, muted hunger.

Next: Hunt

hurt!dean, acoustics 'verse, bottom!dean, evil!sam/dean, non-con, rough sex, drabble

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