The Price (Part 5/?)

Apr 04, 2013 22:04

Sam watched from inside the glass doors as Dean drove out of the parking lot, the unmarked cop car close on his tail. He gripped the bar tightly to keep from running out the door after him, sure that this plan was as bad as they came. The plan set the path they were on now though and Sam had to follow it, no matter how afraid he was for his brother ( Read more... )

slash, blowjobs, hurt!dean, bottom!dean, rape, bobby, dean/omc's, dean, first time, angst, nc/17, non-con, sam

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Comments 44

saltandburnboys April 5 2013, 02:06:30 UTC
OMG! Seriously! Seriously! I am so excited! I haven't even read it so happy to see this. *Runs off to read*...


tifaching April 5 2013, 02:14:12 UTC
LOL! Hope it's to your liking!


saltandburnboys April 5 2013, 02:16:55 UTC
Yay, so awesome! Can't wait to see what happens next. How terrifying; that town being run by those untouchable cops. Wrol, they've never met John Winchester and when they do, they're gonna get a rude awakening.

Great job, thanks for sharing!



tifaching April 5 2013, 02:59:07 UTC
Thanks! Hopefully the next bit won't take quite so long. Thanks for all your patience!


frostfalcon April 5 2013, 02:26:03 UTC
Woot! I'm glad to see this has a new chapter. Thanks for sharing!!


tifaching April 5 2013, 02:58:32 UTC
Thanks for reading!


reapertownusa April 5 2013, 04:13:45 UTC
Oh my gosh, new chapter!!! I'm sure glad I decided to get caught up on my f-list tonight. That diner scene was more than worth the wait. I love the dynamic you've set up for the town and can never get enough of outsiders witnessing wicked things being done onto Dean. Sarah's reaction was so perfectly balanced and the cops so perfectly wicked and that visual of Dean at every point in that scene and that lethal defiance yet acceptance of his...did I mention it was perfect?


tifaching April 5 2013, 17:31:56 UTC
I know this story will be finished someday, I just don't know when! The scene in the diner...those damned cops. I want to shoot all of them, but if I did that they wouldn't be able to hurt Dean any more and I'm afraid they're not done with him yet. Sarah will probably be making another appearance, I'm trying to work her into a future installment. And the visuals of Dean: at the table, in the bathroom and after they bring him out...I can't get them out of my mind. Glad they worked for you!

Thanks so much!


megumiogata_1 April 5 2013, 05:26:40 UTC
Wow it has been awhile since I read this series. Nice to see you found some inspiration :)


tifaching April 5 2013, 17:32:40 UTC
It's a matter of just doing it. I have a bad habit of just letting a story continue in my mind, when I really need to get it down on the page.

Thanks for reading!


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