(no subject)

Nov 27, 2007 07:50

Oh boy was my break wonderful. Did I get a lot accomplished? No. Did I get a lot of rest and return to work yesterday morning feeling relaxed and rejuvenated? Yes!

I didn’t dread returning to work after taking nearly a week off for the Thanksgiving Holiday (holiday was nice, but break was better); I dreaded returning to Spanish class yesterday afternoon. Yuck! I now have 5 classes and 1 final to pull myself through until I am done with the horrid language classes for good. Bueno! Oh, I mean: great!

I sometimes wondering if I don’t have a mild version of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) I can easily become focused on a “mission” I usually create for myself. This year, my mission was to find wrapping paper with Christian symbolism or markings. My mother complained during the entire holiday season last year that she was never able to find any. I’m please to announce that I have thus found three rolls of Christian Christmas wrapping paper. This is in addition to the one roll that I purchased last year, completely oblivious that it was Christian. And it’s not even December!

My mother in particular is growing more and more outspoken and irritable about things that she views as an affront to her rights as a Christian or her freedom to express her faith. It doesn’t help that the Central Pennsylvania Conference sent an email to all pastors this year announcing that they were to be sensitive to people of other faiths and not emphasize Christmas as a Christian holiday in public or in their holiday decorations. (As a personal note: Are you freakin’ kidding me? Now Christian Pastors aren’t allowed to talk about Christ? What kind of crazy, screwed up, PC dominated, delusional, anti-Christ world are these knuckle heads living in? If Christian Pastors can’t share the word of Christ, who can?) This email sent my mother into a fury, as anyone might imagine.

Since my success with the wrapping paper, she has focused her energies on something else. Finding Christian-specific holiday decorations. No Santa or Frosty - watering down of Christmas for her. It’s the hardcore manger scenes, all the way!

I don’t mean to make light of my mother’s frustration. It’s completely understandable. It is a sad and sorry state that America is moving too, but I could go on for ages about all the wrongs in our country today. As much as I empathize with her plight, I see little use in getting angry over the ordeal. I support her drive to bring out reminders of the reason we celebrate this time of year. We all make an impact how and where we can.
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