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Jan 02, 2008 14:25

Today is the first day back to work since Christmas and of course that means that everything that was missed over the holiday has now piled up and needs immediate attention.

Just about everything that possibly could go wrong, did in one way or another over the break. Mom got pretty sick on Christmas Eve and ended up going into the hospital Christmas day. That’s where she stayed for a few days. The nurses were amazingly mean to her at first which put her in a permanently bad mood for the rest of her stay there. By the time I got there Wednesday morning to see her, she nearly ripped my head clean off the moment I walked into her room.

Eric and I had planned to spend part of Christmas day with Alex and Melissa, but they both got sick and so we didn’t see them. Christmas night we were to go to a movie with Shaun, but his female-friend (whom he claims to not be able to stand and want nothing to do with at all and complains about constantly) showed up before we did and so he wouldn’t even answer the door. *douche* At least Ben was ready, willing, and able. We went to see The Golden Compass.Yeah, that sucked big time. Horrible, horrible movie.

We did absolutely, positively nothing in the days that followed Christmas - other than visiting mom, of course. Then, there were a few mornings when Eric’s car wouldn’t start. We’ve been spending the time since last Friday playing musical cars. We can jump his car and then it will run for a while before it putters out again. It’s in the garage. God only knows how much that is going to cost. The battery is brand new and so I’m afraid that it might be the alternator. That’s going to get pricey.

Last Thursday we found that the place we had planned to spend New Years was cancelling their festivities. We never did find anything else to do. Shaun said that he’d come over so that he and Eric could play a little DDR. Ok, that’s fine, that’s nice, whatever. He called about 8 o’clock to say he was going to grab a bite to eat and be over. An hour or so later he showed up with that “female friend” again. Are you freakin’ kidding me? (Look, it would be one thing if they were really a thing, but at this point he is either using her for something or he has let her force herself into being his girlfriend - one or the other - so what would you think?) They hung around for a little while and left before midnight so that they could go see the Gettysburg fireworks at might night. (I’m sure they were thrilling *cough, cough*)

And so I’m back here at work. It’s a new year, but the calendar seems to be the only thing changing.
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