Title: Doraemon and Odeng Genre: comedy (i hope), romance Couple: resident adorkable couple YooSu Rating: i forgot how this works ToT Summary: Junsu saw Yoochun's picture on twitter and Yoochun saw Junsu's update on Instagram. Yoosu dorkness ensues. A/N: sorry for grammatical mistakes and typos huhuhu [Junsu saw Yoochun's picture on twitter and Yoochun saw Junsu's update on Instagram.]Junsu woke up early in the morning to start
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Title: Yoochun you idiot! XD Pairing:Yoosu Author: krissylovessu aka tictac_girl804 Genre: Romance Rating: PG-13 Summary: Yoochun and Junsu loves to fight. But what will happen if Junsu had enough of the fighting? A/N: this is based on one of Hoshino Lily's manga. =D unbetaed and im too lazy to check my grammar T_T
Title: Roses and Cards Pairings: Yoosu Rating: G Author: tictac_girl804 Genre: fluff, romance, slight angst A/N: : This is my Yoosu pick up line project. I've been addicted to pick up lines lately. sorry for the failed fluff T_T Summary: Junsu started receiving gifts from someone. Who is sending him gifts? And where in the world is Yoochun?
Title: Happy Birthday Yoochunnie! :) Pairings: Yoosu Rating: PG13 Genre: romance, angst Warnings: deathfic A/N: dont kill me? :( inspired by Youha's We broke up today and 8ight's Goodbye my love) Summary: It's yoochun's 27th birthday. Beta: still_doll_15(she made me post it today XD)
Title: Love is Not Good Pairing: Yoosu Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: i dont own this duckbutt and chunface :( Summary: Yoochun believes that love is not good. A/N: still broken yoosu :( dont kill me please. XD this is a POV change from Lost Smiles http://yoosu-yongwonhi.livejournal.com/3467455.html .
Title: Lost Smiles Pairing: Yoosu Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: i dont own this duckbutt and chunface :( Summary: Junsu lost his smiles. A/N: broken yoosu :( ( You had always been a ball of sunshine.. )