It's funny how when you start working on one part of your business, it leads to a few other tasks opening up when you start breaking it down.
This whole marketing thing? Vast. Lots and lots of stuff to do. I'm sure
dani_namaste &
trixiefirecat know exactly what I'm talking about. I've been working with my
marketing mentor to get myself up to snuff and launch my site in the next few weeks. So, that means, cold/research calling for new clients and tapping former ones. From there, that expands out to
+ writing a cold calling script
+ adding a email newsletter sign up to my existing temp site
+ designing a one-sheet to send out to prospects
The good thing about finishing the case studies in the next few days it will be done for the site and that's sufficient for now until I have time expand unto more
For the site itself, it comes down to:
+ designing the template pages for the new site because I'll be building it out in WordPress
+ hacking a WordPress theme and learning as I go (fun!)
+ most of the writing is done besides full project descriptions & I might leave those for next year
+ writing 4 small case studies to put to the one sheets (2 for each target market: mobile/tech & food)
+ deciding what to put into the HTML newsletter & designing it.
Any of your prayers would greatly be helpful. So, what's on your plates for the next couple of weeks? And, if you have any examples of one sheets, please pass them along and I'll trade you for some delicious homemade apple butter. No joke. I make apple butter crack.
*Officially going into hermit mode*