The Big News!

Oct 30, 2009 07:39

For anyone who hasn't heard yet, I would like to announce that I'm having a baby!

I'm nine weeks along right now and due on June 9th. We're ridiculously excited, though the whole thing is still pretty surreal. I've been feeling pretty normal aside from being tired all the time (though for me, that's still pretty normal) and for a couple of weeks (hopefully not to be repeated--knock on wood) I was pretty nauseous and extremely picky about what I could stand to eat (which was very little). There was never actually any throwing up, which was kind of nice, except for the times when it was so terrible that I genuinely wished I would. Instead, I spent hours feeling like I might at any moment, which, trust me, is less fun that just getting it over with. EDIT: I take it back. Less than an hour after posting this (of course), it actually happened. Another milestone down, I guess?

And to that fun information I'll add that it has, in fact, put me behind in school work, since it's eating a lot of my brain time and energy--and a lot of my brain time and energy now is literally focused on eating--not that I spend all my time eating, but I still have to be careful to make sure I don't make myself sick, don't under-eat, and get at least some decent nutrition... But the professors I've told have been extremely understanding and helpful. Here's to hoping I don't get any antagonism from anyone else in the department, though I honestly don't think I will.

The thing that really amazes me at this point is how many things I suddenly have to pay attention to and think about that I never ever had to before. Like what kind of fish is in those tacos (woops), though I'm quite sure one serving of mahi won't do any harm, or whether I can pop a decongestant for my chronically stupid nose. And so on.

But to reiterate the good part, WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY! We're really more pleased than I can say. We've been wanting to do this, but waited until after we were settled here, had insurance, and could aim for a summer baby that would hopefully appear when we had time off--hooray for both having summers off--to actually deal with it. We're doing well so far, so hopefully it will all go off (sort of relatively almost kind of) as planned...

And while I realize I'll have plenty of time for this later (and may well get tired of it then), right now it annoys me that it isn't visibly obvious to the whole world. But hey, the poor kid is doing the best it can, and right now it's only about an inch and a half long, so I'm happy to give it some more time.

...did I mention I'm having a baby? :) :) :)

pregnant ramblings, pregnancy, big news, i'm really having a baby, i'm having a baby

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