Don't Fear the Reaper

Aug 16, 2009 19:46

...just happens to be the song Alun is playing on Rock Band at the moment, and as I could think of no better subject line, I went ahead and plugged it in.

I'm now living in California! Granted, I've been in California since the end of June, but as of the first of August we're actually moved (with all our stuff, save a few mysteriously missing boxes) into a place that we'll actually stay in for more than, say, 32 days. Essentially, Alun and I have been in the process of moving since about June 12th, and it is a process we're quite ready to never do again. But as for the place itself, well--aside from the lack of overhead lighting, the ant problem (solved, at least for now), the fact that the soap dispenser in the dishwasher doesn't like to lock shut, and the fact that you have to drive over no less than NINE ______ing speed bumps to get to our building, it's pretty good. Last night, as I was busy being a slug and sick of being a slug and wanting something to do without actually wanting to do anything, Alun convinced me to sneak through the hole in the fence behind our building and take my 25-year-old camera to the pond there and photograph the ducks. Which I did. And really, who can complain (too much?) about a place that, whatever its faults, is so very close to so many ducks?

On another topic, the prospect of actually and finally starting school in ten days--oh wow. Until now I hadn't quite realized how close that is, and there are probably lots of things I should be doing between now and then. But anyway, the prospect of actually and finally starting school is incredibly welcome, as my brain has been sorely lacking in stimulation for the, long time. Yes, I'm a bit nervous, but we'll ignore that in favor of recalling that I will be a grad student and feel awesome because of it.

It is a bit lonely being here without any family or friends (read: Provo people, I miss you) and without knowing the area well enough to just go off somewhere.

But things are going pretty well.

ducks, california, missing people, life, finally being mostly settled, starting school, moving, so on and so on

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