Why not?

Mar 03, 2010 21:30

We'll pretend it hasn't been forever and forego any excuses or apologies. Onward!

I am currently 25.5 weeks pregnant--i.e. about a week and a half shy of six months. Almost into trimester three! Which, based on how uncomfortable I've been lately, will probably not be the most enjoyable three months of my life, but it WILL continue to be ridiculously exciting. My belly rounds apace, I weigh a good chunk more than I ever have in my life, and I am finally (finally!) at the point where it is obvious to everyone that I am pregnant.

The little guy--yes, it's a boy! Alun was right--has been getting more and more active by the day, and let me tell you, it is WEIRD. Awesome and wonderfully distracting and smile-inducing, but weird (imagine, for example, the sensation of large bubbles popping all over against the inside of your abdomen).

Also, managing home and pregnancy and grad school is (insert adverb here) stressful, not to mention exhausting, but things continue generally to work out just fine.

And just as a note to remind everyone where exactly we're living and working and going to school, tomorrow, March Fourth (chosen for the pun on the command to "March forth") is a day of massive strikes, pickets, rallies, marches, etc. in Berkeley, Oakland, San Francisco, and Sacramento to protest all the massive budget cuts this fabulous state is handing its education system. I get off easy by not having classes on Thursdays, which means I don't have to go near any of it, but they're staging something like a two-hour march from Berkeley campus to downtown Oakland. And even the elementary school Alun teaches at will have a before-school protest and even a scheduled fire drill to symbolize the emergency status of education in California.

My professor tonight jokingly (sort of) asked us if we all had our police-encounter kits ready. (If you're bored or interested, try looking up the November 20th Berkeley protest.)

The joys.

my darling baby, life, berkeley craziness, avoiding political activities, pregnancy, the joys

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