Oct 12, 2009 20:37
For those in college and/or persuing an academic career - how do you make it holistic?
I mean - I about killed myself in undergrad. While I can say it definently was worth it (Yay Oxford!), it also did a toll mentally and physically. So now that I have hit graduate school, and my classes are a little more spread out. I am wondering how I keep a good balance?
What types of foods, activities, or books keep you healthy and holisitic and not going insane?
How much sleep is good?
Do you do work at night? Or think it's better to be "at home" when you are home and leave work at the graduate office?
How do I not feel guilty for taking a night off? Or not reading my whole list for the week?
It's just - I feel the need to be competitive - It's Oxford for god's sakes - I'll be eaten alive if I relax... but on the other hand - can I make it through without having to give up the essentials?