Why New Moon is starting to piss me off

Oct 12, 2009 20:50

Okay - I'll say it - Twilight is starting to piss me off.  Twilight themed merch is annoying - but even more annoying is the "new" and "teh awesomest" tribal symbols they are putting on everything. See this for reference. As someone who lives/lived in Washington and has friends that are Native American - I find it tacky and in bad taste to use this as a marketing ploy. I LOVE northwest themed tribal goods. In fact, I wore my native bracelet I actually bought in Forks for years back in seventh grade. But I don't like Twilight taking over the northwest and my home and everything about it. Because contrary to popular belief - Washington is not "Edward Cullen land" - there is nothing special about Forks apart from the awesome rain forest - and no, werewolves do not run in our forests.

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