Insert Witty Comment Here

Jun 11, 2006 13:02

So im home for the summer. YAY! Right? Wrong! What!? Explanation will follow. Please wait. Do Do Do DO Dodo Do DO Do DO DO DO DO! do do do do do Do DO DO DO DOdo Do do Do! Do DO DO do ... do ... do. Ok, so basically, college is fun. Yeap, i said it. Dont argue with me! It is fun and you know it. I hear you arguing!! Well, i think i do... i hear voice... and i dont see anyone around. So its gotta be you, right? OK anyway. If college was just like a fun 3 quarter-year camp with like no classes, i think it'd be funner, maybe not, im not sure. The atmosphere is so much better than at home. At home its like, "Matt do this, do that, do this again!" And because i like doing things at a pace i prefer... heh... i often get "in trouble". I'm working on that though, i realize that just doing things would avoid the trouble... so imma do that.... but i digress. College. Its fun, there are so many people i see on a daily basis. I dont usually like all the people (maybe 25% i actually enjoy speaking with) but still, the other 75% are there and are speak-to-able. Humans seek social interaction. Its a crazy thing. We love being near other people, getting external approval, its something i'd really like to figure...... which leads me to my next topic..............
.......... but not yet. I'll finish my point on the previous one. I miss college. I miss the people, i miss staying up til 3 AM EVERY FRICKEN NIGHT, and i miss being like 30 people's helpful friend. Why? Perhaps, as someone reminded me yesterday, its because im a Leo. Who knows though?

New Topic
I changed my major again. Instead of being a Philosophy Major with minors in Psych and Soc, i'm gonna Major in Psych and minor in philosophy. Psychology just comes so easy to me and i think i really understand it, not just in a "get As" kind of way, but a way that could lead me to become very well known in the field. I've taken only intro classes but i understand very complex subjects even from the vague information i've learned. It just all clicks. So maybe, i'll study all those things and use myself as a case study. Now that'd be fun.

New Topic
I have a stalker. She confessed to me this morning very early. Its quite alright though, the voices in my head say shes ok.

New Topic
Ok, so its not a new topic. Its one i've talked about before. Girls. Something, i'm not gonna share, has happened and made things a bit different than i expected. So instead of being just "single", i've 'reactivated' myself and now have the title, "single and looking". Looking for what though? Pffft damned if i know. I'm so fricken picky, its almost impossible to actually be interested, and then when i do, someone already found her. Oh well, that just means i have more money to spend and more time with friends. :-D. Finding the bright spots in life are good.

Sneak Preview!!!!!
After i get done my chores, i'm gonna write about something exciting! Stay Tuned!! You know you want to!
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