I'm back like Terminator

Mar 06, 2006 10:06

*Jumps over a three month long hole in the ground.*

Where does the time go? And no Dr Steven (Speak and Spell), Hawking i dont want you to tell me. I know, i know... he didnt do anything to me to offend me or incite such a comment, but come on, its kinda funny. Anyway, what has been going on in the world of Matt in the recent months. Well, does thee recalleth the females i mentioned? There were two at the time of my last entry, well, needless to say the list increased and decrease simultaneously. I know, it seems odd something can expand and contract at the same time right? SHUTUP Mr. HAWKING I CAN EXPLAIN!!!!!! Well anyway, the one i had talked to, i finally got some courage to approach her, and yeah, duh, she had a boyfriend already, of like forever years or something.... but she was uber appreciative about it, and waves like crazy and smiles and such to me. And other guys have no idea why, so its funny when she waves at me and guys that probably have ideas about her look at me and go, "Why'd she wave to you man????" and i just tell them.... "WHo knows? Maybe she likes me?" Yeah... good times. And yea, the other girl, i havent talked to her, but through the wonder of facebook i've learned she too has a boyfriend. But fear not~!!! THe list has gotten longer! Wow, i just HEARD you say i'm pathetic THROUGH my screen AND through time. Thats amazing. Maybe Dr. Hawking can help me on this one. Anyway, the list only got larger by one. A very pretty girl, who dislikes the idea of drinking as much as I. GO figure.... boyfriend. I'm noticing a pattern. Anyone else? Thought so.

New Topic

Flyers..... Wow. 2-5-2... some stretch that is. I think its 0-3-0 recently.... Well, to be fair, they have more injuries than ANY team EVER in NHL history (as of now this part in season.) or something like that. IT's really insane. And i probably wont be able to go to a game this year because all the tickets are supposedly sold out. Last season, they were good... tickets available for every game.... this year, they are limping around barely staying a team, and tickets are sold out.

New Topic
Im broke, im not allowed to collect unemployment as of now, which is lamerz. 100 Dollars a week, GONE! Seriously man, thats a load of cash, and LOAD OF IT!!!!!!! A LOAD I WILL NO LONGER GET!!!

DOES ANYONE SEE A PATTERN IN MY LIFE???????? Anything Matt wants.... he cant have!! Funny thing is, (unless you count that last sentence) I DONT COMPLAIN!!!! People are incredibly annoying to me, "I can't do this, im sad!" and they go on being depressed for like 2 days and it sucks to be near them. This is why i hang out with Steven Hawking over here, he cant talk, move his body in any way, hes been in a coma, his life is worse than what Superman's was after his horse, Kryptonite, decided to throw him a curve. But does Steven complain? (maybe he cant?) No.. he doesnt! Instead, he writes insanely complex mathematical books and explains the meaning of the Universe! THAT, my friend, is why i hang out with him. And i know he enjoys the company. Whats that, Mr Hawking's Speak and Spell? Are you calling for help? Havent i told you im not letting you leave.......

I have to go guys, my handicapable friend is trying to use a black hole to power his wheelchair home.
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