Apparently, the total number of undersea cables severed in the Middle-East has grown to five now, with Iran seemingly completely cut off.
Here's a good picture of the cuts. In other news, I came across
this the other day. Intel and ST Micro have apparently figured out how to stabilize two intermediary phase states between amorphous and crystalline, effectively giving phase-change memory bits four possible values instead of two, thus instantly doubling the memory capacity. What this means for non-geeks: "PRAM" is like flash memory, in that it keeps its data without requiring power, but is almost as fast as regular RAM (flash is many times slower). With this invention, you can now fit as much onto a PRAM chip as you can onto a flash chip, which makes it viable now as the only RAM a cell phone or similar device needs; it also reduces the cost and power consumption, which means it'll last longer on a battery charge and be cheaper to buy.
Umerikan Tranzlayqun:
Tek stuf
Uperintly, vhu tootl numbr uv undrsy kayblz sevrd in vhu Midl-Yst haz groon tw foyv naw, wifh Iran symycly kumplytly kut of.
Hyr'z u gwd piktqr uv vhu kuts. In uvhr nwz, Oy kaym ukros
vhis vhu uvhr day. Intel and ST Micro hav uperintly figyrd awt haw tw staybloyz tw intrmydyery fayz stayts bytwyn amoorfis and kristlyn, efektivly givyc faz-tqayndj memry bits foor posibl valywz insted uv tw, vhus instantly dublyc vhu memry kupasity. Wut vhis mynz foor non-gyks: "PRAM" iz loyk flaq memry, in vhat it kyps its daytu wifhawt rykwoyryc pawr, but iz olmost az fast az regywlr RAM (flaq iz meny toymz sloowr). Wifh vhis invenqn, yw kan naw fit az mutq ontw u PRAM tqip az yw kan ontw u flaq tqip, witq mayks it voyubl naw az vhu oonly RAM u sel foon oor similr dyvoys nydz; it olsoo rydwsiz vhu kost and pawr kunsumpqn, witq mynz it'l last locgr on u batry tqordj and by tqypr tw boy.