You know I dreamed about you for twenty nine years before I saw you

Sep 09, 2011 13:36

Earthquake, hurricane, and now flooding. What the hell, man. Couldn't we just do a nice Indian summer instead?

When I write livejournal entries, I tend to be writing a bunch at once at any given time. This usually works out to around three or four really long talky entries on a specific subject (right now: Denver adventures, hockey player pic spam, how to buy a house the Thorne way, WIP excerpt post, and some long-ass, perpetually-revised thing on all the fandoms and tropes I never mention but love anyway.)

Then there's usually an ongoing music post or link post, where I just chuck my current favorite mp3s and links until I figure it's long enough, and then it gets posted. There's also usually a similar entry composed of "recent favorite things people have said on G-chat" that gets added to or removed from depending on the topic of the conversations. I try to group them thematically, since, you know, it's better to put all the conversations about the Olympics/pope/Stephen King/Michael Phelps in one place, so they can either be read or ignored in one lump sum.

And, bringing up the rear are all the memes I say I'll do, fill out halfway, and then forget about until I need to pad an entry out with some filler. Then I grab whichever one looks most interesting or is in the highest state of completion, and add it in there. Today, it happens to be m_steelgrave's Come At Me Bro meme and horizon_greene's 20 Questions meme. There's also a music post, which ties into Morgan's meme, so you can just skip to that if you like, since I'm pretty sure meme answers bore the shit out of most people. It's right there after the cut. Right there. There. To your left. You just need to-okay, just-yeah. There. No, there. Okay. Okay, let's take five and try this again tomorrow.

1. Make a list of 5 things that are in reach:
My cell phone, a Phillips screwdriver, a big handful of stolen office pens, a half-consumed bag of Ginger People original ginger chews, and a commemorative 2011 Royal Wedding Will and Kate hand bell, complete with little mini-portraits and courtesy of one Flidget Jerome. It's totally tacky and I love it. I keep it in my office to make me laugh, and to ring for the butler to bring me things. I don't actually have a butler, but that doesn't stop me from ringing for him.

2. What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas is the classic, but I'm also nostalgically fond of Halloween, even though I don't get to dress up and demand for strangers to give me candy anymore. (Instead, I dress up, buy my own candy, and get drunk with my friends, which has its own benefits, not the least of which my parents don't get to remove all the bubble gum from my Halloween candy supply any more.) There's just something about that autumn time of year.

3. What is one item of clothing you wish you could always wear?
I have a dark grey fleecy sweater that while not particularly fashionable, is awesomely comfortable and has pockets and I wear it when I want to be at ease. I also have a pair of black Easy Spirit sandals that I essentially walked to pieces this summer, and I mourn them still. Best sandals ever. I have this one long green dress I love because I always feel pretty in it, but since it's very fancy and started out as a bridesmaid dress, the opportunities for wearing it are slim.

4. What do you plan to do after this meme?

5. What are you listening to right now?
GoRemy's Metro Song. which will make sense only to people who live in DC, but whatever. It's still true and hilarious.

6. Who was the last person you hugged?
My mom.

7. What random song just popped in your head now?
I went from "pop" to the mental association of "ABBA" so, uh, now it's "Dancing Queen." Criminy.

8. What did you do today?
Had three teleconferences, sent twenty six emails, worried over whether or not my backyard would flood, and argued with my housemate over our open-door masturbation policy. And had a passionate discussion about how sour cream and onion potato chips don't taste good with any alcohol. (So far they've been tried with blush wine, cabernet sauvignon wine, Riesling, tequila, and pumpkin ale.)

9. What was the last text message you received you actually liked?
The gorilla suit text from Louise was the last one that actually made me laugh while I was reading it. I don't tend to text unless I figure I have something of substance to say. And then half the time I just end up calling the person anyway. Mostly I use it as an excuse to take pictures of weird things (for example, a sale on bacon syrup! Breaking news!) and send it along to someone who'll appreciate it.

I also keep "i have just consumed a not insubstantial amount of acid" from twigcollins around because it never fails to cheer me.

10. What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Hotmail, gmail, Livejournal, google news, youtube, Hungover Owls, Go Fug Yourself, Maru's blog… Trying to get better at checking facebook. And depending on the time of the year, I also have a bunch of regular sports sites. RMNB, Japers Rink, Alex Ovetjkin, and Puck Daddy for hockey; USA Swimming and a bunch of ljs for swimming.

After despising twitter for forever, I've reluctantly started checking a couple twitters, though I still haven't made an account. I still have no idea how to use tumblr. I suck.

11. What is your next big planned purchase?
I just bought some Caps tickets, for a game against the Panthers and a game against the Penguins. Probably the next big thing will be having a plumber over to replace one of the toilets, and then hiring someone to power wash and reseal the backyard deck. And buying some metal shelves for the basement, and a futon or something for my office. Boring, I know; it's all mostly funneled into home improvements. If you means something fun, um. Hmm. Maybe some more game tickets.

Of course, I also have a peculiar idea of "big". A big personal purchase for myself was buying six lotions at Victoria's Secret last weekend, on their 6 for $30 deal. High roller, man. Or I go to Amazon and buy myself, like, a shitload of remaindered various $0.01 books.

12. Late riser or early bird?
Late riser by choice, early bird by necessity during the week. If left to my own devices, I would probably sleep the weekend through.

13. Name one thing you are looking forward to.
I'm involved in a cooking competition with two of my brothers next weekend. We're going to Iron Chef it up, and the winner will make merciless, obnoxious fun of the losers for as long as possible. Good times.

14. Which languages do you want to learn?
I'd like to really know Chinese, so I could talk with my relatives back in China. Of course, they speak Cantonese, but Mandarin is the official, so maybe I could swing a deal where I got both. Runners up would include Czech, Russian, French, or German. Czech would be nice so I could talk with my sister in law's family. The others just seem like they'd be useful.

15. What are you doing this weekend?
Lounging around and trying not to drown from the rain. Originally Louise was going to go home for the weekend, but that isn't happening now, so I can't bro it up around the house without pants like I planned. I dunno, maybe I'll bake something. If it stops raining, I'll go hiking.

16. What is your favorite household chore?
Uh… not many of them. I guess I like making my bed. And doing my laundry. Does grocery shopping count? I rather like grocery shopping. There's something comforting and basic about the exchange of money for food.

17. What's the one thing you need the most now?
A vacation. Or possibly a larger chest freezer. Er. That has nothing to do with the next question.

18. Are you a creeper?
Sadly, yes. This should surprise no one.

19. What was the last thing you ate?
Chocolate Chex Mix. That stuff is like crack.

20. Do you like POTATOES?
I motherfuckin' love potatoes.

And now, moving on to the Bro one, which had the original instructions of--

Comment with "Come at me, bro," and:
- I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
- Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
- Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

So, Morgan asked the following five questions:

I may already know the answer to this, but...what is the strangest thing you've ever purchased?

I think the walrus penis bone has a permanent place up in the top five. In fact, that one probably belongs to a sub-list of "Phallus related things I've bought for Louise." There's the dolphin vibrator, but again, that was for someone else. And the Chinese Water Dragon for my brother, that one Christmas. As I sit here and think, I realize that I mostly buy strange shit for other people, not so much myself. I did buy one of those marshmallow-firing guns for me, but I find nothing strange about that. Who would not want an arsenal capable of firing delicious mallow-y treats?

I also do tend to buy batshit alcohol that really shouldn't be consumed by anyone sane, because hell-I'm legal, I have the money, and I have the cabinet space. Why not?

If you had unlimited funds and no obligations, where would you go and what would you do?

Be horrifyingly responsible first First I tell my CEO to go fuck herself, and do a little dance on my way out the door. Then be horrifyingly responsible and pay off my mortgage, my parent's mortgage, and set my siblings up in places of their own. Pay off their student loans. Give each of them some kind of trust fund to do their own shit with. Then, I'd probably move to a nicer place. Louise can come, if she promises not to set it on fire. Buy out a bookstore and sit on a beach for about two months, reading and relaxing.

At some point, I swing back to my old place of work and offer to give them a hefty donation with the caveat they fire the CEO. There would be a lot of ass-kissing also required.

Then I start traveling. Hit the countries I want to see, beginning with Australia and parts of Asia. Swing through Europe. At some point do some South and Central American visiting, and then come home.

Salad Fingers vs. Samara from The Ring, FIGHT!

This is a "whichever one wins, we lose" scenario, as seen by the bottom of this paragraph. Samara seems to fight by being creepy, wordlessly dripping on people, and scaring them to death. Salad Fingers fights by being creepy, yammering weird shit, and accidentally shutting people into ovens. But he's strong enough to get out of steel traps and other stuff, so… hoo. I'm calling this one a draw, because Samara doesn't seem like she'd faze Salad Fingers much, but I can't see Salad Fingers being together enough to accidentally trap her in an oven. Probably when she enters his little animated video, they somehow manage to produce a terrible cursed online video that then kills half the internet in seven days. Argh.

How DID that hooker get stuck in the drain?

Listen, man, the next time someone says "Let's make this Twister game more challenging with a couple gallons of Canola oil!" you just tell them that you only work with Jell-O.

What are you listening to at the moment? I need to cycle some new material into my iPod after listening to the same three playlists for the last six months.

OH HEY I MADE A MUSIC POST JUST FOR YOU. Here are twelve songs off my latest playlist. Let's segue on into this all smooth-like, yes?

Most of these songs go from summery and upbeat, to slower and more fitting for the approaching fall season. The iced smoothie type drinks are being moved out in favor of pumpkin spice lattes; it's getting darker earlier (and staying darker in the morning later, Christ but I hate driving to work in that); and the leaves are beginning to go a bit yellow but they're still mostly on the trees. Let's have a couple last-hurrahs for summer songs and move into the autumn ones at the same time.

For testing purposes only, delete after 24 hours or whatever because I know no-one ever reads this line anyway and I could be slipping secret messages to the undercover agents out in the field all whiskey tango foxtrot. Let me know if you like anything; that's always appreciated.

Foster the People - Pumped Up Kicks: Current winner of most disturbing lyrics set to lightest, most upbeat music.

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You'd better run, better run, outrun my gun
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet

The Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger: Not the song of my hockey team, but still a good one. Actually, it’s been in enough movie trailers and commercials that I think most people recognize it from those instead. Ridiculously upbeat. Makes me want to dance.

I was good, she was hot
Stealin' everything she got
I was bold, she was over the worst of it
Gave me gear, thank you dear, bring your sister over here
Let her dance with me just for the hell of it

Pitpull ft. Ne-Yo, Afrojack, and Nayer - Give Me Everything: Too catchy for its own good, and here on the post because I was just at a wedding where I got to watch the groom perform "The Shoplifter Dance" to this song.

I feel… kind of ridiculous quoting these lyrics, so I'll just point out that this is the song over which Lindsay Lohan is suing Pitbull for irreparable harm, since the song contains the line, "I got it locked up like Lindsay Lohan." So, there you go. But yeah, the Ne-Yo hook is an earworm.

311 - Sunset in July: Man, this is such a summer song. And such a 311 song, with the high energy and the nonsense words in the chorus. 311 is one of those bands I always forget about liking until it pops up on the radio while I'm sitting in traffic and gets me drumming my fingers.

Sunset in July
Rockers by my side, and time's flyin' by

Badfinger - Day After Day: Now we take a swing into slightly more nostalgic instead of upbeat. I like this for the end of the day.

I remember finding out about you
Every day, my mind is all around you

Take That - Love Love: That song from the end credits of X-Men: First Class. For a movie set in the era it was, there was certainly a lot of techno and industrial feel music in the soundtrack.

We don’t have too much time here
And time it travels far too fast
We’re not too far we’re down here
Before they take it from our hand

Happy Cactus - Mussolini Never Ate Ice Cream: This is a re-post, but hey. It contains good philosophical advice that we all should follow, and what happens if you don't.

General Francisco Franco never went outside
And jumped into his car and took a ride
And Adolf Hitler would stay in his house, watch his soaps
Close all of the blinds and drink cheap beer
And Mussolini, yeah, never ate ice cream

Iron and Wine - Such Great Heights: I've been on a big Iron and Wine kick lately. I had a hard time choosing which song to go with, so I just picked this one, even though it's a cover, because I was at the wedding I mentioned a few songs back, the bride and groom danced to this song as their first dance, and then had the DJ play the original Postal Service version and had everyone come onto the dance floor to join them, and it was really pretty awesome. (Not to mention the DJ was called DJ Tank. That's a name to command respect. DJ Tank is bringin' the tunes.)

They will see us waving from such great heights,
'come down now,' they'll say
But everything looks perfect from far away,
'come down now,' but we'll stay

The National - Slow Show: There's something so desperate and tender about this song, despite its fast pace. I think it's my favorite right now out of the entire post, though it's a close call. The other thing I like about is that it's a love song for-not for high school, not for college, but it feels older and right for me, like where I am in my life now, in the back half of my twenties. Does that make sense? I am possibly projecting.

I wanna hurry home to you
Put on a slow, dumb show for you
And crack you up

Yonder Mountain String Band - How ‘Bout You: A well-timed bluegrass song during the summer is like a cold beer on a hot day. Good stuff.

Don't tie me up and take my time
Waiting years and wondering why
I love old songs and what they know
Just turn 'em up and let 'em go

Terry Scott Taylor - Operator Plays a Little Ping Pong: This is the same guy who brought us "Sub-Standard Pirate". It is here because it wants to be.

Um, no lyrics.

Guns N' Roses - Patience: Okay, I know. I know. When you're in the car and Guns N' Roses comes on, it's great for a while, and then you start going like, "Jesus, this is taking a long time. FINISH THE FUCK UP, AXL, WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY." I hear that. But sometimes, long and slow is the way to do it. This isn't my favorite GNR song (that belongs to Knockin' on Heaven's Door) but it'll do.

Said, woman take it slow
It'll work itself out fine
All we need is just a little patience

It goes without saying I love asking people nosy questions about themselves, so feel free to take part in the Come At Me Bro! meme.
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