What is Meta?

Aug 30, 2009 18:47

I've been poking around fandoms on LJ a lot lately, and I happened across a discussion on what makes someone part of a fandom. Besides the usual aspects like writing fanfiction, creating fanart, and joining in on fandom-related discussions, someone mentioned doing something called meta.


Meta-, is a prefix used in English to indicate a concept which is an abstraction from another concept, used to complete or add to the latter.

Quite honestly I was too lazy to read the rest, but I get the gist of it. Meta, in fandom, is thoughtful discussion of the fandom, the characters, the pairings, the themes, or any aspect of the canon.

Meta sounds like a lot of fun, and I don't know why I haven't happened across this idea earlier. It'd be nice, for a change, to be able to discuss my favourite fandoms in the absence of general fannish- and fangirlishness and squealing over art and fic.

As I think I've mentioned (more than once), I've been watching the first season of the TV show Heroes. Maybe I'll meta a little bit about it tomorrow; for now, it's getting late, and I'm probably going to be called off the computer any minute now.

P.S.: I finally went out and got myself a few new icons. Wh00t.


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