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  • (Untitled)

    thistlerose Jul 30, 2010 12:40

    Mentally, I am in such a weird place right now. I slept for like 6 1/2 hours. Now I'm awake and exhausted, but still kind of bouncing off the walls. I had to isolate myself because I can't stop talking. (Mom says it's because I've been a whirlwind of activity for the past two weeks. And also I drove a frickin truck for 7+ hours yesterday.) I ( Read more... )

    cats, travel, photos

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  • (Untitled)

    thistlerose Jul 02, 2010 09:36

    Yesterday, I drove up to Kohler-Andrae State Park, which is on Lake Michigan, about an hour north of Milwaukee. It was very pretty. I walked along a couple of nature trails, which meandered around sand dunes and meadows full of juniper, white pines, Queen Anne's Lace, and Joepie Weed. There were Monarch butterflies, seagulls, and everywhere the ( Read more... )

    travel, photos

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  • the bronx is up and the battery's down

    thistlerose Jan 12, 2009 16:19

    Anyway, I had a lovely time in New York last week. I walked my feet to pieces and I spent more money than I should have, but it was so good being back there. It's strange: since I came to realize I liked Minnesota and Milwaukee quite a lot, I thought my love for New York would be diminished, but it really isn't. When I get my Master's, I'm going ( Read more... )

    travel, photos

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  • where does today meet yesterday?

    thistlerose Jan 07, 2009 22:09

    I fucking love this city. But oh my friends, I've lost my accent! I don't know that I've ever had a strong one, but the accent, she is gone! I don't know what sort of accent I have now. My bff says, "It's like British, but...not ( Read more... )


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