(no subject)

Dec 30, 2007 21:19

- Friends! Okay, "Juno" is totally boss, probably the best unplanned pregnancy film this year. (Okay, maybe there weren't as many as there seem, for some reason.) Seriously, it's adorable and well written and well acted. *is hot for Allison Janney* And it's set in Minnesota! Like, in places I know! I love that. And Ellen Page is just...the cutest thing ever.

- So, some of you expressed an interest in that Firefly Roshomon thing I wrote about earlier. Awesomeness! I think we should do it!

Only thing is - how should we do it? The way I first envisioned it, all the authors would know the facts of the whodunnit (including whodunnit). Each author would claim one or two characters, and write overlapping scenes. (So, a few paragraphs would probably end up being remixed, but not entire scenes/chapters). What do you think? Also - when should this take place? I'd want to include River, Book, and Simon, but there needs to be a reason River isn't solving the thing within minutes.

Input = ♥ !
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