(no subject)

Dec 30, 2007 10:23

I dreamed last night that I was co-writing a BtVS story with r_becca. (I think it was you, anyway. It's hard to tell in dreams.) It was an adventure story (they were up against these alien squid things), and one of us (me, I think) was writing it from Faith's POV, while the other wrote the same scenes from Buffy's.

And that reminded me of this idea I had a long time ago, to get a bunch of people and write a Rashômon-style Firefly story. It would be a whodunnit. Each character would be assigned an author, and each author would tell the story from his or her character's POV. There'd be contradictions and differing opinions. Not sure how the mystery would unravel, but... I think it could be fun. Would anyone be interested? (Obviously, none of the main characters would be the villain, but there might be an unwitting accomplice or two.)
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