that fic meme thing

Dec 31, 2007 16:14

Favourite story this year: Wedding Night. It's my love letter to Lloyd Alexander. I had a miserable adolescence, but it would have been worse if I'd never stumbled across The Black Cauldron in the library on afternoon. Rest in peace, my dear.

My best story this year: Nobody's Good Son, my yuletide assignment. Loved doing the research, loved doing the writing.

Most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: I just about had to beg people to read Tyler & Tyler, but considering it's sort of a wacky crossover (Jackie Tyler from Doctor Who teams up with Hazel Tyler from Queer as Folk UK) I wasn't all that surprised. I'm more bummed about A Dwindling Pool of Light because I thought that one was actually quite good. (Though the feedback I did receive was gratifying.)

Most fun story: The House Elf Liberation Full Frontal. OMG, I was bouncing before, during, and after I wrote this one.

Sexiest story: Weighed Down With Good Intentions.

"Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: Uh. Probably that Spoiler of Doom ficlet, the one where Hermione Granger is killed by zombie!Dumbledore. 'Cause...yeah. That's just wrong. Even for me.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Amicable. I really felt for Tonks while writing this story, more than I did while reading Deathly Hallows. I felt for Remus too, but to a lesser extent.

Hardest story to do: Weighed Down With Good Intentions.

Biggest disappointment: Tyler & Tyler, not because of the lack of feedback, but because it worked so much better in my head.

Biggest surprise: Where the Air is Clear. GUYS, I HAD NO IDEA. I loved the plot while I was brainstorming it, but then when I sat down to wasn't coming out the way I imagined it. But I still love it. And so do you! Thank you!!

Most telling story: Double Twist of Fate or a Melody.

A story I want remembered: Nobody's Good Son. It didn't feel like fan fiction, and I suppose it's almost not. Yes, I followed James Goldman's interpretation of the Plantagenets, but Constance is my own. (Well, the personality I gave her was my invention, based on her actions.) I'm very proud of this story.

45 more minutes of work. *sigh*

fics by theme, fic: 2007

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