Doctor Who 3x13 The Last of the Time Lords

Jun 30, 2007 20:47

It's entirely possible that Jack was playing with the Doctor and Martha at the end, since he had to have known about the Face of Boe. But I don't think he was lying. On the one hand, that's pretty cool. On the other handsome Jack turns into a gigantic grey head bobbing in fluid?

Martha was awesome here. I mean, particularly awesome. I only wish the whole thing had been her idea. Or at least mostly her idea. And I wish the godlike!Doctor thing had been less heavy-handed.

I kind of figured Lucy would be the one to kill the Master, and I'm a little disappointed because I'd wanted her to be wicked - a kind of companion, rather than someone he's completely dominated. (Did she appear to have a bruise under her right eye at one point? Or is it just me?)

Aw, Thomas Mulligan. Well, maybe he and Martha will end up working together. He'll get to fall for her all over again.

Part of me is glad that Martha is leaving. I'll miss her. I really like her. But I think it's the right step for her character to take. She has a strong sense of responsibility. And what else could have happened? Would the Doctor have suddenly returned her affection? No way. Should they have gone on the way they were before? Not a good idea.

I hope we'll see her again.

What in the world happened to her brother and his family?

*snicker* After spending so much time with Jack and Rose, it's about time the Doctor ran into the Titanic. Or Titanic ran into him. Whatever.

The Face of Boe?? Jack??? What the fucking fuck?!?!?!?!?

The episode had some nice moments (the Master dying dramatically in the Doctor's arms, Martha kicking ass, though - as someone at Behind the Sofa pointed out - how in the world did she get the whole thing coordinated?)

ETA: I wish Jack had had more to do before the end. More than be chained up and scruffy and yummy.

tv: doctor who

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