While I wait for something to download...
* It's more like strawberry soup than strawberry pie. Oh, well. I think the jam is the right consistency. I'm just waiting for it to cool.
* From Yahoo:
Potter reaches cult phenomenon status. This is news?
* These are the stories I posted in June. Not many, as I'm semi-retired and kind of enjoying that status.
Don't Need No Credit Card To Ride This Train Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione at the Quidditch World Cup five years post-series. It was supposed to be shippy, but the focus ended up being banter, which I think turned out well. Some sexual innuendo, but mostly tame.
And Away We Go BtVS. Post-"Chosen." Giles interacts with Faith, Andrew, Willow, Xander, and Buffy, and wonders how his role as Watcher will evolve, now that he's the only one in all the world, amid hundreds of Slayers. I wrote this for
summer_of_giles and it's not at all the story I had in mind when I signed up, but I'm quite pleased with it.
Princess Sex and the City! Also post-series. Charlotte and Shanna, her adopted daughter, have a run-in with Bunny MacDougal.
Tyler & Tyler Queer as Folk UK/Doctor Who crossover. I posted this in May but I'm linking to it again because, with the exception of my beta reader, not one person from my flist read it. *whimper* Yeah, it's silly, but that's what happens when Hazel and Jackie team up to save a young friend from aliens.