[gw fic] Anticipation (Wufei/Dorothy, PG-13)

Oct 02, 2005 22:45


Ships: Wufei/Dorothy (Heero/Relena)
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Summary: There are some things for which Dorothy can't stand waiting.
A/N: For helga_b, who requested Wufei/Dorothy, with balloons. I apologize for the fact that this story is ridiculous, not to mention late! Also, it's been almost a year since I wrote Gundam Wing. Just saying. Unbeta'd. Approx. 870 words.

( "Well," Dorothy said, "that was a rousing success." )

fic: 2005, fic: gw: char.: dorothy, fic: gw (gundam wing), fic: gw: char.: wufei

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