(no subject)

Oct 02, 2005 15:07

I didn't see her do it, but Sophie must have gotten into the ketchup because she's got this reddish smudge on the tip of her nose, and it's definitely not blood or anything disgusting. Silly girl.

Speaking of cats, OMG we have a lot of black cats at the shelter. We can't adopt any of them during October. Some sickos like to torture black cats around Halloween, and other idiots just want to use them as props for parties and displays and such. O_o Some people really suck. But some don't. There's this little girl - she must be about 10 or 11 - who routinely saves up her allowances and does odd jobs for her neighbors in order to make enough money to sponsor one cat a year. She always chooses the oldest cat in the shelter, which I think is so wonderful. Last year it was Lionel (who died in July, at 16). This year it's Peaches, who's about 14. I love people sometimes.

There's this machine at the gym, which I like to use. It's got a warning label, and part of the label has been scratched off. Now it reads something like:


That's ducky. ^_^

I finished my rwhgfqf fic! Whee! More than a month early. Now it's off to my proofreader (that would be rynne).

So, I've still got to work on:

- Sirius/Remus (a birthday fic)
- Brian and Michael (QaF) go to New York, and we find out which of the Macy's parade balloons are gay
- erotic_elves Fantasy Fest fic (Bill/Tonks)
- ANGSTY Sirius gen for sirius_loving (due November 1)
- unrequited (but sympathetic) Tonks/Remus for wizard_trauma (due in December?)
- harry_holidays fic (due December 1st)
- lotsa request ficlets (I was hoping they'd fuel me for the year and...they are. I have written a few of them...)

I think that's everything!
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